Service description

This service enables the registration of endowment supervisors through official channels and compliance with the requirements of the regulation organization of the work of the trusteeship, and processing them as required by the procedures in force in the authority, and applications are received and their implementation is followed up through the official channels designated for this.

documentsCommon questions

Target Audience
Service Channels
Required Documents
Service Duration
Objective of the service

Developing the endowment work environment, raising the level of governance, and enhancing control and transparency.

Terms and conditions
To possess the appropriate knowledge and qualification to manage the endowment and take care of its affairs.
To be of good conduct and behavior and not to be convicted of a crime that violates honesty, integrity and honor.
To be Saudi in the event that the endower is a foreigner and the origin of the endowment is real estate.
Service implementation steps
الدخول الى الموقع
Login via website
اختيار الخدمة
Choosing Endowment Supervisors registration Service
تعبئة النموذج
Fill out the Supervisors registration form
مراجعة الطلب
Review the application and verify all requirements
استلام نتيجة التسجيل
Receive a text message stating the registration result
Contact info
Phone Number
Social media