• General Authority of Awqaf Overview

    The General Authority of Awqaf is a legal person with financial and administrative independence, linked to the Prime Minister, and its headquarters is in Riyadh.

  • The purpose for which the Authority was established

    Enhancing the role of endowments in economic and social development and social solidarity.

Origin and Foundation

Stages of the systemic development ofendowments in the Kingdom:

  • 1381 AH

    The establishment of the Ministry of Hajj and Endowments.

  • 1386 AH

    The Supreme Council of Endowments Law was issued.

  • 1393 AH

    The Charitable Endowment Act was issued.

  • 1414 AH

    The Royal Decree stipulating the establishment of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah, and Guidance was issued.

  • 1431 AH

    The establishment of the General Authority for Awqaf and abolishing the Deputy Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Dawah, and Guidance for Endowments Affairs.

  • 1437 AH

    The Law of the General Authority for Awqaf was issued.

The Objectives of the General Authority for Awqaf

The Authority aims to regulate, maintain, and develop endowments, to realize the Donor Conditions, and to enhance its role in economic and social development and social solidarity, in accordance with the objectives of Islamic law and regulations.

The Functions of the General Authority for Awqaf

Enhancing the role of endowments in economic and social development and social solidarity.

Regulatory supervision of the Trusteeship works and taking statutory action to realize the Donor Condition without interfering in the Trusteeship works.

Approval of request to establish public and hybrid endowments that are funded by fundraising.

Trusteeship of public, private, and hybrid endowments, unless the Donor requests that the Trustee shall be an entity or person other than the Authority.

Registration of all endowments in the Kingdom.

Managing the endowments that have a Trustee other than the Authority, based on the Trustee’s request.

Take the necessary measures to benefit from the movable and immovable endowment properties outside the Kingdom, on a charitable basis inside the Kingdom.

Inventorying the endowments properties and establishing a general database for the latter.

Take the necessary measures to develop the endowment work.

Develop existing Endowment formulas and recreate endowment formulas.

Disbursing the endowments’ income according to the purpose of the endowment.

Establishing endowment projects, as well as developing and maintaining endowments.

Contributing to economic and social development.